Autumn Equinox: Darkness, Light and Mental Health

  • 4 mins read

Seeking Healing for Mental Health

I’m holding an Equinox Ceremony tomorrow, and this afternoon I channelled it through on the beautiful land at the Priory in Tynemouth 🍁


Such a gorgeous, poignant ceremony came through. I’m so grateful to be a conduit for this work and I’m so looking forward to connecting in community to honour this point in the year and our beautiful planet tomorrow morning 🌎✨


This time of year is especially poignant for me, as seeking healing for mental health is what started me on this funny old journey, and the three big mental health episodes that I’ve experienced have always fallen around the Autumn Equinox. I didn’t even realise this until my wonderful kundalini teacher Beth pointed it out – the energy of this time of year is something that I’m keen to learn more about and deepen my understanding of. I know that many people struggle at this time of year, as we transition into the darker half of the year in the northern hemisphere. If this is you then I hope that you can find a spark of hope in the darkness, and find some comfort in knowing that healing can occur and life can surprise you in so many ways 🖤


Finding Gratitude for the Journey, Including the Darkness and Pain

I’ve been in my own little winter (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) since getting back from Mexico a few weeks ago, but despite this, I’ve been feeling so grateful today for everything that’s happened since I got ill this time 5 years ago. I can’t actually believe it’s been 5 years. But thinking back, I just had no idea what was going to unfold in my life (not that any of us ever do), but I never ever would have imagined that it would have been this 🤯. So much magic, so much growth, darkness, and light. I’ve learned so much about myself, others, spirit, energy, earth, love, community, trauma, healing, pain, and at times it’s really been a lot.

I’ve questioned my sanity so many times as my channel has opened up, but I’ve managed to come back to trust again and again, and to view times of doubt (and there have been MANY), through the lens of a process to bring me deeper into trust. And the magic that has occurred over the last few months in particular has been mind blowing ✨🌻

Guidance and Support from the Unseen Realms

What I didn’t expect in life, was to discover an unseen team of cheerleaders, who would guide my way, guide my own healing journey and the healing practice that I share with others. They’ve always been there, but I just didn’t see it. I believe everyone has this network of unseen support. I’m so grateful for the support and love from spirit, my spirit team, ancestors, earth, plant teachers, and all of the other energies and elements that have held me. It’s been a bumpy ride and the path isn’t easy (AT ALL… anyone who tells you that a healing journey is easy is lying 😂), but it’s been so worth it and I feel I’ve finally made peace with my existence here on earth… thank you Mexico 💕 … let’s see how long it lasts 😂

Healing and Releasing Trauma

Ultimately, I see healing as releasing trauma from the body – the physical, energetic, mental and emotional bodies. Trauma from this life, past lives, our ancestors, and our collective trauma. Releasing trauma isn’t always pretty and it also requires patience and at times, a lot of trust. But it is worth it, my partner and family and I’m sure friends too can really see the difference in me, and I’m fucking proud of myself for weathering the at times very scary journey of the last few years and beyond 🌻


I wanted to share this as a message of hope for anyone struggling in the darkness and pain, whether that’s their own pain, the pain of the world, or both. Change, evolution and transformation in life is constant, change truly can come 🌊

Sending so much love + equinox blessings 💕